Brass Locket Photography

Playful Portraiture, Timeless Appeal

CAkE Smash!

Okay- so this little doll is a sweet sticky mess! I learned a few lessons with this session. The first is that you can start out with 9 balloons in a field of prairie grass and only end up with 3 by the time you are ready to shoot... because the grass will POP them! I also learned that you don't use a metal high chair tray to try and create shade for a whipped cake- the tray with get burning hot and actually act as a broiler top to the cake. Don't worry though, we found real shade for both quickly after and everything turned out okay in the end!

I love doing cake smash sessions, the look of awe and bewilderment on the babies' faces are priceless! They just don't even know what to do with themselves with this cake in front of them! However, if bewilderment is not the look you are hoping to capture, you may want to give your baby a practice run at a cake before your session- because most kiddos are a little unsure what to do with the frosting now stuck to their hands!