Brass Locket Photography

Playful Portraiture, Timeless Appeal

Beanie ~ 6 Mos.

There are some very distinct developmental milestones that babies hit on their journey to their first birthday.  One of my absolute favorites happens right around the 6 month mark.  Being able to finally "taste" their toes!

Workin' On The Old Boat

There is nothing better in this world to Teeg, then working on something with his grandpa... Well, except working on something FOR him with a DRILL!

Little Miss Sophia ~ 6 Months

This is little Miss Sophia, with the big blue eyes.  She is one of the most smiley babies I know!  I had the privileged of taking her 6 month milestone pictures for a really good friend of mine, and what a great little model she was.  Such a great sport as we changed up her outfits!

Leave the Matching at the Door

Thinking about a family portrait?  Not sure what to wear??  My suggestion is to leave "matching" at the door.  Chances are when you try to dress everyone in the "same" colors; you are going to end up clashing instead.  Try "coordinating" instead.  Dress everyone in the same tone, or pick an underlying color as a theme.  If you want Fall colors, then stick with a palette of rusts, olive, deep reds and plum, and natural blues... but you don't have to have everyone in the same color.  Target right now, has some great coordinating outfits!  These are just some examples of Women's, Men's and Children's clothing that are available at Target now... Every person in your family is unique- so dress them in a style that suits them!
For example, pictured below, I would put the red plaid lumberjack shirt on Iny Mu- because he's rugged and oh-so-"boy," but I'd go with the mock neck striped sweater for Teeg because he's more serious and cautious.

A Few of My Favorite Things (Girls)

I love, love, LOVE knot dresses.  Again, with girls I encourage a "timeless" look.  If you do a search for "Matilda Jane Dress," images, it will come up with a lot of cute photos for inspiration. is another wonderful resource for unique clothing with a vintage/timeless appeal.  I also have an addiction to fabric flower headbands, and ruffle pants! Don't be afraid of hats for girls as well... and as always- be open to the creative whims of the photographer; and never be too afraid to speak up if you have some ideas of your own!!

A Few of My Favorite Things (Boys)

Here are a few of my favorite things for dressing up boys in.  I don't have any knit hats pictured on here- but I do love them too!  I really encourage dressing for "timeless" looks.  Crew Cuts has a lot of adorable looks on J.Crew's website if you need a little inspiration! Layering is great for the Fall, and gives versatility without having to put on completely new outfits.  Layer a graphic tee under a button down shirt, with a smart looking blazer, jacket, or coat and you have 3 looks in 1! 

Brass Locket Photography by Anna Lerfald

Welcome to Brass Locket Photography's blog!  Photography has been a passion of mine ever since I can remember.  It has been a hobby I've enjoyed since I was in grade school.  My first film camera that wasn't disposable was a Canon with a a little pop-up flash that my parents got me for Christmas in the 7th grade; incidentally the vacation that we took that year was documented well, on 26 rolls of film!  In junior and senior high, I took every class available and learned the dark room well.  By the time I hit college, digital photography had taken hold.  
How I LOVE digital photography!  The creative possibilities are endless!  Now, with children that I adore photographing, and a big push from an inspirational friend (you know who you are!)- I have decided to make my passion and hobby something I can share with other families out there who want to capture those precious moments before they slip away.  I am drawn towards a fusion of the vintage styling of yesteryear, with a touch of whimsical childlike fun.  I hope you enjoy my blog and follow Brass Locket Photography as it grows!
 ~Anna Lerfald

My two oldest boys and me on the first day of preschool.
Iny Mu, 3 & Teeg, 4
Beanie, 6 mos.